AST Reverse Osmosis 

Our AST Reverse Osmosis technology is one of the most efficient leachate treatment technology in the world. The system can be installed in any existing space or if no infrastructure is available we offer the option of retrofitting the shipping container with the plant already pre-installed and ready to use. The water treated with our system is ready for reuse or for underground infiltration.

 Leachate is an effluent with a high biological and chemical polluting content that is produced in landfills and dumps as a result of waste degradation and rainfall precipitation.

Technological experience has shown that conventional treatments do not have the capacity to adequately treat waste effluents with the composition of the leachate. These systems do not have the capacity to reduce pollutants and allow the effluent to be discharged into water, and also present operational problems due to variations in composition and volume.

The entire system in one container

AST's specialized system treats leachate with membrane-based technology. Our systems can be installed in any space or mounted in mobile plants, inside sea containers or on trailers with capacities from 30 to 270 m³/day converting them into fully functional plants.

State-of-the-art technology

Landfill leachate is pumped directly to our plants where it is pretreated and filtered to be purified in a special high-pressure reverse osmosis stage. Additional stages can be installed to further reduce low molecular weight contaminants such as ammonia or AOX. 

Low operating costs

The cost of membrane spare parts, energy, and chemical consumption is very low in comparison to conventional RO Systems.

  Scalable and Modular

It can be complemented with advanced biological treatment, with MBR and tertiary treatments, to suit the required water quality.

Fully Automated System

Automated system washing and cleaning. It features an intelligent control interface with IoT, which maximizes downtime and facilitates system operation.