C-MEM for Drinking Water

World-Wide Water scarcity is becoming a more critical problem each day. To help solve this problem, Aventia provides you with the best technologies available for your purification projects. Depending on the pollution, the water source, and conditions, we design the optimal water purification system with the best quality for your drinking-water needs.

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Innovative Technology

C-MEM is an innovative ultrafiltration technology using organic hollow fibers, with 0.02 μm micropores. It eliminates more than 99.99% of all bacteria and viruses during filtration process. The membrane fibers are integrated into a C-MEM cartridge that protects them from mechanical stress and optimizes cleaning and maintenance. The C-MEM cartridges can be combined in modules allowing the treatment of any water flow regardless of its volume.

Simple and robust process

C-MEM cartridges are fully submersed in water and operate in a dead-end filtration mode. Raw water is filtered from the outside to the inside of the fibre. A filtration pump draws the treated water from the top of the cartridge using negative pressure. Once a certain time or pressure is reached, the system initiates an automatic and innovative backwashing process. The backwashing process lasts only some seconds and is a combination of reversed flow of treated water and air scouring.

Our C-MEM Membrane is one of the most compact and energy-efficient ultrafiltration  technology in the world.

Efficient & Easy to Operate 

The simple but robust process allows omitting conventional treatment processes such as flocculation, sedimentation or sand filtration. Making plants more compact for highest  drinking-water quality standards. Thanks to the automated backwash process the plants become easier to maintain and operate than other water treatment technologies.

Virus and Bacteria Removal 

The average pore size of the filter is 0.02μm. It allows complete removal of viruses and bacteria and not only their inactivation.

Adaptable and Scalable

Its modular design allows C-MEM to be installed in plants of all shapes and sizes. According to your water source quality and your expected output quality, we specifically design the best plant for your needs. But, it can also function as a Gravity Driven Membrane (GDM) for small plants or in its mobile version C-MEM Zero.

Ready-to-drink water

Water treated by C-MEM is clear and free from particles. The process does not produce any residues or emissions. 


More efficient than conventional water treatment

Thanks to the nanometer size of C-MEM membrane micropores, only water and dissolved substances can pass through the membrane fibre. All viruses, bacteria and solid particles in the raw water remain outside the cartridges. The produced water is technically disinfected and particle-free with low turbidity.


  • Production of drinking water from rivers, lakes, wells, springs or rainwater

  • Swimming pools

  • Fish Farms and ponds

  • Service water production

  • C-MEM Zero for decentralized water treatment for remote villages without electricity, camps, expeditions or disaster recovery areas

 C-MEM Zero

C-MEM Zero is a portable gravity-fed drinking water treatment system with a capacity of up to 1,500 lt/d.

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