
Drainmax technology is the solution for the capture, retention, and infiltration of rainwater to prevent flooding. The rainwater is stored in a subway pipe and can be used to infiltrate directly to the subsoil, recycled for domestic and industrial use, or to supply the water for fire tanks. It can be installed in parking lots and green areas of hotels, industrial buildings, warehouses, or cities.

Current drainage systems are not prepared to handle the increase in water derived from storms caused by climate change. This generates flooding that costs the government and the population. Drainmax is a decentralized solution for drainage, infiltration and storage of rainwater that not only solves this problem but also makes it possible to take advantage of the water from it. This solution becomes an essential component for the sustainable management of stormwater for the benefit of the population and the environment.

Perfect Design

Drainmax is a high-volume tunnel system up to 1.6 meters. Its lightweight but strong design creates a hollow space in the ground that allows infiltration and storage of rainwater through the soil and side holes. It is also possible to restrict water flow to a single pipe. Our technology helps you save on the implementation of complex piping systems. Drainmax is also perfect for infiltration of effluent water from sewage plants.

Drainmax en acción.
Drainmax in action.

High Resistance DIBt® Certification

The DRAINMAX tunnel trench was the first ever to receive building authority approval from the German Institute for Building Technology DIBt® for SLW60 heavy-duty class.

Easy to Install

The DRAINMAX tunnels are laid in rows. The individual tunnels can be laid effortlessly by two people due to their low weight of 32 kg.


Optimized production, minimum transport volume, minimum space requirement, huge storage volume and fast installation performance result in the DRAINMAX tunnel offering the best price per m³ storage volume achievable for plastic trenches.